
Top 5 Driving Mistakes

Top 5 Driving Mistakes For many drivers, getting behind the wheel is second nature, so it's easy to make errors without realizing it. However, these errors can lead to serious accidents. Keep yourself and others safe on the road by avoiding these mistakes: 1. Tailgating Leave a three-second cushion between you and the vehicle in front [...]

Six Tips to Prevent Auto Accidents

Six Tips to Prevent Auto Accidents Risky driving behavior causes accidents. Be safe and avoid accidents by following these safe-driving tips: Watch Your Speed: It's easy to go too fast—especially when you are in a hurry. Remind yourself to slow down and keep it safe. Mirror, Mirror: Properly adjust all mirrors before starting your trip. It is [...]

San Diego’s Wildfire Season is Right Around the Corner – Are You Prepared?

We live in an area prone to wildfires.  Are you prepared? A surprising fact: wildfires can happen in almost every state. While wildfire strikes more frequently in the West, nearly every state has been devastated by fires in the last century. Each year hundreds of homes are destroyed as more people choose to live closer to nature.  [...]

By |2018-12-02T18:44:07+00:00September 21st, 2011|Home Insurance, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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