
Are You Looking To Save On Your San Diego Auto Insurance In 2017?

Are You Looking To Save On Your San Diego Auto Insurance In 2017? As we start the new year, everyone is looking to save money on San Diego auto insurance. Don’t shop online as you may get cheap auto insurance, but it may not be there when you need it the most. Cal our office, we [...]

Did You Know These Damages Are Covered Under A Standard Auto Policy?

Did You Know These Damages Are Covered Under A Standard Auto Policy? No one wants to get into an auto accident, but when you do, it is nice to have auto insurance to help you through the aggravation.  Auto insurance can come in many different forms, and we can design an auto insurance policy for your [...]

How Can You Keep Your Teens Safe On The Road?

How Can You Keep Your Teens Safe On The Road? According to the latest information from the auto Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), teens have the highest crash risk of any drivers, at nearly four times that of drivers over 20. In fact, the IIHS says 39 percent of all deaths of 16- to 19-year- [...]

Insurance Needs for Holiday Travelers

Are you traveling this Thanksgiving? You might want to take a few minutes before you go to review your insurance policies and potential needs. You’re going to be away for a while. Do you have homeowners insurance? You’re going to be driving, either your own car or a rental. Do you have the proper auto insurance [...]

More than just Auto, Home, and Life Insurance

More than just Auto, Home, and Life Insurance McCormick Insurance Solutions wants to be the company you call for all of your insurance needs. To attain that goal, we need to offer more than just auto, home, and our San Diego life insurance policies. Those are our staples, but your insurance needs are often for other [...]

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